Attorneys Bailey and Johnson examine FOX13 cell phone video of traffic stop

After cell phone footage appeared on FOX13 that depicted what seemed to be a Southaven traffic stop, Lynnanne Nguyen spoke to attorneys John Michael Bailey and Tressa Valentine Johnson of John Michael Bailey Injury Lawyers about the officer’s forcible removal of the vehicle’s driver. While Bailey recognized that the driver did the right thing by pulling over and speaking with the officer, there are few things the driver may have been able to do to prevent what transpired.
Though the driver spoke to the officer, he did not comply with the officer’s multiple orders to exit the vehicle. While Bailey notes that the driver had the right to ask why he had been pulled over, Johnson added that “[y]ou need to comply with the officer.” Bailey further noted that it appeared that the steering column of the car was broken, which may have served as probable cause for the officer to remove the driver.
Little more is known about the incident than what is shown in the video, but Bailey and Johnson urge drivers who find themselves is similar situations to remain calm, listen to officers, and to remember any details you can—for instance, badge numbers, car numbers, and officer names. Though Bailey notes that you have the right to record the police, he states, “I would notify the officer.”