Nov 4, 2023 Accident Types

Top rated motorcycle accident lawyer available 24-7


Motorcycling comes with an undeniable allure. The appeal of open roads, the wind on your face, and the sensation of total freedom. However, motorcyclists are also significantly more prone to accidents and serious injury than other motorists. In the U.S., motorcycles make up 3% of all registered vehicles, yet they account for a staggering 14% of all traffic fatalities. The risk is real, and it is critical to have knowledgeable motorcycle injury lawyers by your side when you find yourself involved in an accident.

I. Motorcycle Accidents and Their Unique Risks

Motorcycle accidents are too often life-altering events. They can result in severe physical and emotional trauma, impenetrable medical bills, and, in the worst cases, permanent disability or death. Motorcycles, by nature, are less stable and less visible than cars, and riders lack the protection of an enclosed vehicle. When a person on a motorcycle is involved in an accident, their risk of injury is dramatically higher than that of individuals in cars or trucks.

Unique factors contribute to the danger of motorcycle accidents. For example, the risk of a high-speed wobble, known as “speed wobble” or “death wobble,” which is frequent among motorcycles traveling at high speeds. There’s also the risk associated with road hazards. Motorcycles are less stable than four-wheel vehicles and can easily be thrown off course by potholes, dead animals, or slick pavement conditions. These are just a few examples of the many unique risks associated with motorcycling.

II. Dealing With Motorcycle Insurance Claims

Insurance companies often employ a set of tactics designed to minimize the amount they pay out on a claim. Their first offer is typically a low-ball offer, hoping that injured riders, desperate for any funds, will accept less than they deserve. They may also attempt to blame the injured motorcyclist for the accident or downplay the severity of the injuries so they can pay out as little as possible.

It is important to understand that the role of an insurance company is to protect their financial interests, not yours. They have teams of adjusters, investigators, and attorneys all working to ensure they pay out as little as possible. Navigating the maze of insurance claims can be daunting, especially when dealing with the trauma of an accident.

The challenges of dealing with insurance companies underscore the importance of legal assistance when seeking compensation. The expertise and guidance of motorcycle injury lawyers are invaluable resources on this daunting journey. Knowledgeable about the intricate laws surrounding motorcycle accidents, they are skilled at navigating insurance company tactics and securing the compensation their clients deserve. They know how to build strong cases and combat the techniques insurers use to reduce or deny claims.

III. Motorcycle Accident Medical Recovery

Motorcycle collisions can result in a wide range of injuries, from minor cuts and bruises to major trauma such as spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, or even death. The long-term impact of these injuries can be life-altering, affecting your ability to work, care for yourself, and enjoy life. In many cases, the cost of medical care combined with lost wages can quickly spiral into a financial crisis.

Immediate medical attention is crucial following a motorcycle accident, even if you feel fine. Some injuries, like internal bleeding or traumatic brain injuries, may not be immediately apparent but can still be deadly. Immediate medical attention ensures that your injuries are promptly diagnosed and treated. It also creates a medical record that can be essential when seeking compensation for your injuries.

Prolonged medical recovery periods often follow severe motorcycle accidents. Regular doctor visits, physical therapy sessions, medication costs, and potential surgery expenses quickly pile up, wreaking havoc on your financial stability. This is where experienced motorcycle injury lawyers can make a significant difference, assisting you in pursuing an injury compensation claim to cover these expenses.

IV. Motorcycle Settlements and Financial Recovery

Dealing with the cost of medical treatment is a significant challenge in the aftermath of a motorcycle accident. While health insurance may cover some expenses, the limitations of insurance policies often result in substantial out-of-pocket costs. These expenses come at a time when injured riders may be unable to work, reducing their income when they need it most. Furthermore, beyond medical bills, victims of motorcycle accidents may also need compensation for other damages, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.

The role of litigation in motorcycle settlements and financial recovery cannot be overstated. Often, obtaining the full compensation you deserve requires taking the at-fault party to court. While this process can seem daunting, an experienced motorcycle injury lawyer can guide you through each step and ensure you understand your rights and options.

Insurance companies often seek to reduce their financial liability by downplaying the victim’s injuries or attempting to shift blame. Through comprehensive investigation and employing proven legal strategies, expert lawyers ensure that the truth is presented accurately, increasing the chance of a favorable settlement. Remember, the at-fault party’s insurance adjuster is not your ally. To protect your rights and seek just compensation, consider consulting with motorcycle accident lawyers.

V. Rider’s Rights and the Dangers of “Lane Splitting”

Motorcycle riders have the same rights on the road as any other motorist. However, because of their size and the speed at which they travel, motorcycles are often overlooked by passenger vehicles. This negligence can lead to dangerous situations and accidents.

A particular area of controversy in motorcycle rider rights involves the practice of lane splitting. Lane splitting involves a motorcycle moving between two lanes of traffic traveling in the same direction. While it can help motorcyclists navigate through heavy traffic, it is viewed as dangerous and is illegal in most states.

Riders who engage in lane splitting may be putting themselves at risk. If involved in an accident, they may be deemed at fault, which could impact their ability to receive compensation. Thus, knowing and understanding your rights as a motorcycle user is crucial to ensure your protection and claim for just compensation in case of an accident.

VI. National Motorcycle Accident Statistics

Motorcycle accident statistics paint a sobering picture of the risks riders face on the road. In the United States, approximately 5,000 people die each year in motorcycle crashes, and many more are injured. A significant portion of these accidents involves the role of passenger vehicles.

Passenger vehicles are often the culprits in accidents involving motorcycles. Car and truck drivers frequently fail to see motorcyclists due to their smaller size, leading to collisions. When a motorcycle collides with a passenger vehicle, the rider often bears the brunt of the impact, resulting in serious injuries and, in some cases, fatalities.

During the past decade, we’ve seen a worrying increase in motorcycle fatalities and accidents, rising year by year. A combination of increased motorcycle popularity and disregard for traffic laws has contributed to this growing risk.

VII. Reasons to Hire a Motorcycle Law Firm

Navigating the aftermath of a motorcycle accident can be a complicated process. Juggling medical treatments, dealing with insurance companies, protecting your legal rights, and pushing for proper compensation can be overwhelming for an accident victim. That is why it is crucial to consider seeking professional legal support.

Motorcycle injury lawyers are experts in their field. They know the specifics of motorcycle law and have extensive experience dealing with insurance adjusters. They also have a vast network of resources, including medical experts and accident reconstruction experts, to help build a robust case.

Insurance companies often attempt to downplay their client’s responsibility or find loopholes to reduce compensation. With legal representation, you are less likely to be victimized by these tactics. Experienced motorcycle injury lawyers understand their strategies and will fight to ensure that you are not shortchanged.


Overcoming a motorcycle accident can be one of the most challenging experiences of your life. The physical, emotional, and financial strain can feel insurmountable. You should not have to shoulder these burdens alone. The assistance of professional motorcycle injury lawyers can be invaluable in negotiating the complexities of legal claims, insurance company tactics, and securing the compensation you deserve.

Motorcycle accidents often pose distinctive challenges in the legal process compared to other types of vehicular accidents. Due to the distinct nature of motorcycle injuries and the bias that some individuals have against motorcyclists, these cases require a legal team with specific expertise. In JMB Law, you will find an ally that believes in your right to full and just compensation and is prepared to fight for it. You are not alone; let us shoulder the legal burdens while you focus on recovery. The road ahead might be challenging, but with the right help, justice is attainable.

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